The way you unlock stuff for the classes and weapons is really cool, not to mention the vehicles too! It always feels like you are moving forward in this game. What I really do like is the progression system. This is something I have always liked about the Battlefield series and this third entry in the series is no different. The gameplay on offer here is quite fast-paced, but it is still very influenced by having players actually playing to the strength of the class they have chosen. I spent a ton of time with this online back in the day and really enjoyed it. The maps are all different sizes which is something I like as it forces you to change up your tactics as you play. We are talking Conquest, Deathmatch, Rush and many more. This one has plenty of maps (I am pretty sure it launched with 9) and it has all the game modes that you would expect in a good first-person shooter. Of course, as good as the single-player campaign is, Battlefield 3 like the other games in the series is all about the multiplayer. Once again, the game looks great and the leap here from Battlefield 2 is very noticeable. I really, really did enjoy my time with the campaign and was pretty invested in what was going on, but the ending!!!! The ending was really a letdown and just did not live up to the expectations that the story had set.